Why is the formula kept in ampoules?
The ampule prohibits solution oxidation and ensures maximum effectiveness.

How can I use the ampules?
Use of the ampoules is simple. You may apply formula in four steps:

  1. Shake the vial and insert it inside of the plastic at the narrowest part of the vial.
  2. Break the upper part of the vial with the protective tube and dispose of it. Insert the vial again in the protective tube.
  3. Take half of vial content and apply with the fingertips to face and neck. Distribute evenly while massaging.  
  4. Close the protective tube with the white cap to protect solution.

How often should Benemedio be used?
Use the first five vials daily (for ten days), another five vials every second day (for twenty days). For intensive cure use all ten vials daily (twenty days of care). Each ampule should be used within 48 hours once opened.

How long can I use Benemedio – should there be a pause between applications?
You may use Benemedio continuously for the medium to long-term period. No pause is necessary as the components are completely compatible with the skin.

How to store the formula?
Protect from sunlight and store in cool temperatures.Use the ampule as directed when opened within 48 hours.

Where can I buy Benemedio?
Contact us by e-mail (info@benemedo.com) and we will direct you to your nearest stockist.